Prayer partners

I've always been a great believer in specific prayer. I've seen God give so many answers in response to prayers for particular things. And with a child who has special needs, it seemed ridiculous to not start praying for him early in the piece.

Once we found out officially what was wrong with Bright Eyes, I sent an email around to many friends and colleagues telling them the news and asking if any of them would like to join us in praying for him.

I am so grateful for the many people who said they would love to pray! Every month or so I send out a little update on him, some information on autism and some specific prayer points for the period.

It's been a wonderful boon. Last month's prayer point was about the struggle I was having getting his medicine* into him. It was a huge issue for us and causing everyone lots of stress. The issue has been resolved and we have found creative ways to hide the medicine that didn't seem obvious before the praying began.

This month's prayer points, in case you're interested, are for toilet training to continue and be mastered, and for Bright Eyes' gut and intestinal issues to resolve.

Already, in only three days, I've seen an improvement in his toileting. God is good.

If you're interested in joining the prayer email, let me know. Otherwise, I'll post the prayer points here when they come up.

*more on the medicine in the future


Slowing Down


Declarative language