1000 gifts, numbers 130-139

This is part of my commitment to thankfulness and a habit of gratitude this year. I'm aiming to get to 1000 different things I'm thankful for. 

130. Learning new ways to deal with my anxiety. I did something extremely brave last week, got through the panics and sorted myself out. Then I was able to surprise myself by doing more brave things this week!

131. A confident, happy two year old who just loves being sociable and wants to do everything 'myself'.

132. Detangling spray for the hair of the above two year old. Finally she doesn't look like she has a bird's nest on her head.

133. Great books and great people who write them.

134. Dictation software. Without it, I'd be a lot more frustrated.

135. Kind words from others.

136. Friends. I really love you all.

137. Being able to email my parents even though they're overseas.

138. My nearly seven year old's quirky but definite interests in the world around him. To list them, he loves: dance, world geography, maps, flags (especially the flag of Tibet), disney movies, books, super heroes and being upside down whenever possible. He also wants to play soccer and learn the cello.

139. Living in this beautiful tiny town. I'm grateful every day for our scenery.


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