Autism. Friends and homework!

Can you believe it? 

Bright Eyes has two little friends at school. I'm not surprised that they are both younger than him, in kindy, but I'm delighted that he has two someones to play with at recess and lunch.

Mind you, I'd like to see what they play. I'm pretty sure that it's all Thomas the Tank Engine, loudly directed by you know who. I was pleased to hear that he was playing 'villains and heroes' however, the other day. I asked him, "So, which were you?"

"Heroes," he said, with the implication that I was even stupid to ask!

And can you believe it?

My boy has brought home some homework!

When the teacher told me, I thought, "we won't be doing this, thanks all the same," but I opened the book today while Bright Eyes was sitting at the kitchen bench.

"This looks easy," I said. "There's a clock. You just have to say what time it is." I grabbed a pencil, and was preparing to do the scribing myself when he took it from me and wrote a '3' and a '7', the right size, in the right places.

Then I wrote out all the spelling words (12, yes, twelve of them) and he traced over them easy peasy pie.

I'm not going to push it, but if I can help him do it in a relaxed way, we'll all be doing well. 



Autism. Wedding bells


Autism. I'm not giving up