1000 gifts, numbers 50-59

My thankfulness has gone a little bit off my radar recently, so here's a new batch of gifts I'm grateful for.

50. Email. I can contact so many people so simply. I love it.

51. Radio and TV and the people who listen to them and watch them. I've been able to do a few interviews recently and I'm grateful for the opportunities. 

52. Friends who email me to arrange a catchup.

53. Other friends who ring and say, "I'm outside your door. Want to have a cup of tea?" (Answer: yes.)

54. My gorgeous little treasure Coco who just this minute grabbed my hands and made us dance together. She's so enthusiastic and delightful.

55. My daily walks with my older daughter. Not only do we get fit together, we are also talking about anything and everything. It's precious.

56. Sue. She knows why.

57. Parent teacher interviews. We are blessed to have teachers who really care about the children in their classes.

58. People who take feedback seriously and make changes where they need to happen.

59. Our Monday evening Bible study group. Such warm fellowship and friendship. Wonderful.


How to be a better listener: part 1


13 ways to parent more mindfully